
¡Así es! ¡Ya ha salido el juego de la nueva heroína contra el capitalismo: Gladys la orca!

Hace poco se dio la noticia de que por el estrecho de Gibraltar una orca inició una revolución atacando veleros de ricachones y, más tarde, se le unieron más y más para formar un ejército para acabar con el capitalismo. 

Toma impulso para darles un placaje a esos pijos que no paran de disfrutar de su tranquila vida a costa de pobres trabajadores mientras arrojan latas de basura al mar. Y ya que estamos, coge su dinero ¡Ahoga al rico!


-Flechas del teclado para moverte.


That's how it is! The game of the new heroine against capitalism: Gladys the orca is out!

News recently broke that an orca started a revolution in the Strait of Gibraltar by attacking rich people's sailboats and, later, more and more joined her to form an army to put an end to capitalism.

She takes the impulse to tackle those posh people who don't stop enjoying their quiet life at the expense of poor workers while they throw garbage cans into the sea. And while we're at it, she takes his money. Drown the rich!


-Arrow keys to move


Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
Made withUnity
Tags8-Bit, Arcade, Singleplayer


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We actually talked about making a game with this setting as well when hearing about the orcas attacking yachts. Now I saw this at the compilation video from Jupiter Hadley. Damn cool that you made it! :)

Thank you :). Maybe it's too simple but i'm glad you like it :)